Fishing Reports
July 9, 2024
In Deschutes River Fly Fishing Reports, Other Fishing Reports
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** Summer Time is Caddis Time on the Deschutes. July can be a great month to fish the Deschutes. We have had a mild spring and a lucky abundance of cold water still. The warm days are just starting and the best caddis fishing is still to come. Summer Caddis Fishing should be good from now into August!
------------------------------------------------------------ Fishing Reports: Deschutes River - Fishing on the Deschutes is great right now! Summer time flows are around 3800 CFS. The fish have moved up into the riffles and into the back eddies and along the banks eating adult and spent caddis. Some PMD's are coming off still, but its mainly a caddis show. This is the time of year you can stalk "heads", be observant and look for suttle rise forms from large trout sipping caddis under trees and in the shade! The magic hour this time of year can be truly "Magical" as the river can come alive with trout gorging on the caddis emergers during the evening hatch. Crooked River - The Crooked is fishing really good. Though it was a bit tough last week in the upper sections of the river because of the annual electro shocking that ODFW was doing. But the fish have recovered and the river is in perfect summertime levels. Hatches of PMD's and caddis can make for some great dry fly fishing out on the Crooked in the summer. And when not happening the nymphing small midge and mayfly patterns work too. The Lakes- There have been some good reports coming out of Clear Lake and Timothy lake in the Mt. Hood National Forest. Balance leaches and Chironomids work well in Clear. And Timothy has a Hexagenia hatch this time of river, where the lake comes alive right before dark! ** Guided Fly Fishing Trips, Classes, Package deals, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------ Day trips are available on the Deschutes in July for Caddis! And August into the fall as well. When we see a resurgence of the caddis dry fly fishing and steelhead start show! Crooked River guide trips are available all summer long, and we would love you to show you around some of our favorite local lakes. Lodging and Fishing Packages are available. ( Let us put together an fun fly fishing itinerary that could include a full day float down the Deschutes, a day on the Crooked River and some lake fishing up on the MT. Hood National forest! Discounts for booking lodging & fishing together! ** Half Day Walk n' Wades ------------------------------------------------------------ Hire us to show you around the DIY walk in access near the fly shop. Be shown what our staff fishes on their days off. Just don't let them find you in their fishing BOOK NOW! ** Deschutes Day Floats ------------------------------------------------------------ With the put in right down the road. The Warm Springs to Trout Creek float is a 10 mile venture into a roadless high desert river canyon. A mini wilderness float with great scenery and fishing! A perfect day float, what more can you ask for? BOOK NOW! ** Deschutes River Camp Trips ------------------------------------------------------------ We are now booking camp trips for the fall for trout and steelhead!The ultimate Deschutes experience. A 3-4 day float into the "Wild and Scenic" sections of river. Combo trout/steelhead trips with great weather and camping. Call for availability and more info! Read More... ** Summer Time Eve Floats ------------------------------------------------------------ This is a 6 hour afternoon/evening float offered from June- August. Late afternoon and evening fishing can be spectacular during the summer and often you will have the river all to yourself as most day floaters are far down river by then. BOOK NOW! ** Mt Hood National Forest Lake Fishing ------------------------------------------------------------ There are several nice lakes within hour drive or more from our fly shop in the Mt. Hood National Forest that we fish and guide on. These scenic lakes hold both stocked rainbow trout (with holdovers that can grow large) and native and wild rainbow, brook trout, and cutthroat trout populations. Read More... ---------------------------------