October Deschutes Reports
Trout and Steelhead

The weather continues to be un-seasonably warm and dry. Steelhead are working their way up river regardless! Seems like everything is like a month behind. The amount of caddis in the evenings feels more like late summer than Fall, though the sight of an October Caddis has you thinking otherwise…
Deschutes Steelhead Report:
There are enough steelhead around for it to not be a wasted effort to target. Especially if you just enjoy the casting and swinging like we do! Water temps are plenty warm for dry lines during low light, and all day if you prefer. Though most switch to sink tips and leaches when the sun is high and bright!
Nymphing also works.. many combo fish targeting what ever.. and catch plenty of steelhead, trout, and even salmon accidentally with this technique. Fish two fly nymph set ups typically with egg sucking stonefly nymphs and the like as point flies on 2x, with either steelhead sized nymphs or trout nymphs on 3x. Come into the shop on your way to the river if you want more intel or need help! We have lots of good steelhead flies for swinging and nymphing! And everything else you may need from spey lines to sink tips for chasing steelhead. Plus lots of good flies for trout!
Deschutes Trout Fishing Report:
The trout fishing continues to be very good on the river! The trout seem to be benefitting from the warm fall and extension of many hatches as a result. There are fish still looking up and feeding on caddis and caddis emergers. There are also some October Caddis and mayflies hatching to add to the feed. Back eddies, bank lines, flats all can be spots to find fish feeding up top. Especially in the evening.
Nymphing is also very productive.. either long line nymphing or euro nymphing techniques work. And as I mentioned early combo set ups targeting both trout and steelhead work as well. Just make sure to have a valid license and steelhead tags with your columbia basin endorsement if you are targeting steelhead!
We still have availability for guide trips this fall..
For day trips and limited walk and wades out of the shop. This a great time to get out on the river because you never know what will bite this time of year!
Give us a ring at the shop at 541-553-2589 for questions, inquiries, or to book over the phone. Or… Book Online Here!