Deschutes River Steelhead Update – 2022 Season

Deschutes River 2022 Steelhead Update
We are excited to pass on the news that the Deschutes River opens to steelhead fishing for the 2022 season August 15th. This is great news considering last year was the first time the river was shut down because of low returns. Returns this year are a bit of a surprise, but improving ocean conditions are aiding in comeback with all Columbia basin anadromous fish stocks seeing improved numbers this summer.
As a result we will be offering day and multi day guide trips for steelhead and combo trips targeting both trout and steelhead this fall. It takes awhile for good numbers of fish to get into our section of the river (the upper most section of the lower Deschutes)
Late October and November, even December (though we are closed for the season at that point) is when the fish really start to stack up in the Warm Springs area and when fishing is best there. We offer day trips targeting steelhead starting in at this time floating the day stretch (Warm Springs to Trout Creek) and combo trout/steelhead trips through out the fall.
We also offer multi-day, fully outfitted camp trips lower in the river where you can target steelhead a bit earlier. Combo trips where we spend some time targeting trout and then focus on steelhead later in the drift as we get farther down river is also a good option during the camp trips. You are guaranteed some good action on trout, and hooking an anadromous fish or two makes for the icing on the cake!
Feel free to give a ring or email if you have any interest, or questions in regards to steelheading on the Deschutes this coming season!